10 thoughts on “Need help critiquing these ads and choosing the best one. FOCUS ON THE THREE SAME ADS BUT WITH different fonts. Which font should be used on the ad?

    • Je viens pour la première fois sur ce blog. Je le trouve totalement nul et sans intérêt. Inutile de répondre car je ne reviendrai plus. Etant donné votre niveau, je suppose que vous direz « tant miq;n&xbsp;&raeuou. Crétin, va…

  1. Hi! The most eye catching for me was the bottom image, the font in this one looks most professional in my opinion. But I really like them all. I think the red line in images 2 and 3 works well, maybe you could use it in the design you pick.

    Great work, I like.


  2. Hello, I’m from “Advertising Madness” and you asked for some help, back on my blog I left some useful advice. Ad #3 would be the one I’ll go for, since using this type of font is better and more attractive to the consumer, it’s clearer and it looks better.
    You can come back to my blog later on, I will be posting which fonts you can use and download to your computer!

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